Tuesday 8 January 2013

Books vs. E-books

This image is used by permission from Hobbies on a Budget

Since so many of my Day Zero Challenges revolve around books, and I will be reading BOTH 'real' books and e-books, I thought I would weigh in on the whole Books versus E-books debate. I've compiled a small, quick list of the benefits/things I like about both.

I'll start with 'real' books.

  • They smell good.
  • They feel nice in your hands.
  • You can thumb through the pages.
  • I like looking over my book collection.
  • You can borrow books from the library.
  • You can find cheap used books quite easily.

Now E-books
  • An e-reader is compact and light, meaning you can easily take it anywhere.
  • You can hold literally thousands of books on your e-reader.
  • No need to worry about storage on your bookshelves.
  • You can download books from the comfort of your own home
  • There are tons of free classics, and you can now borrow from the library.
  • There are often cheap books you can buy, and discount codes you can use.
This is just the things I thought up in a matter of 10-15 minutes. 

People are getting all up in arms about this whole debate. There are people on both side of the debate with valid points and strong opinions. I doubt this conversation will stop any time soon.

Do you want to know what I think? I don't think it matters HOW you read. Whether you prefer books, or a sleek e-reader, as long as you are reading, who cares? As my favorite author John Green said, on this exact subject in fact; 
"I don't care how you read, I care whether you read."


  1. I love that quote - "don't care how you read, just read!" My thoughts exactly!!!

  2. I love the old fashioned printed books for myself, I am on a computer all day and want a break from the screen, besides a book is cheaper to replace when I drop it in the tub (I usually read while relaxing in a bath, lol). I like the e-books for my son though, he loves to read books on my phone and has several that interact with them. I agree though, don't care how you read, just read.

  3. I agree! Who cares how you read? At least you can read! I go back and forth. E-readers are nice to have, but sometimes I just like having a book.
