Friday, 24 August 2012

Cleaning out my closet and donating!

I went through my closet and I wish I had listened to my mother when she said 'You don't need more clothes!' I went through and looked at each piece and asked myself whether I have worn it in the past few months and if I could see myself wearing it in the near future. I ended up with a HUGE donate pile!

I went through my shoes too and threw out the ones I wasn't in love with or wouldn't wear any more. I swear the pile is almost 2feet high!

I still need to look through my purses but I have so much room in my closet now to ORGANIZE my clothes, shoes, and purses! On top of that I will be taking my clothes and shoes and donating them! I'm sure someone will love them as much as I once did.

It's very liberating and you feel good too :)


  1. Wow, that is very nice of you :) I'm sure someone will love them :)

  2. I will be doing this very soon! I love getting everything in order after purging old stuff.

  3. Great idea Jessica! I need to do the same thing :)

  4. That's awesome! Donating always makes me feel good. Also, Savers gives out coupons for donating if you have one near you.
