Monday, 27 August 2012

Toe Juice

I am very finicky about sanitizing and washing my hands. I always have some hand sanitizer in my purse so I can use it after I come out of stores, the library, parks, or other public places. The problem with most sanitizers is if you use it too much your hands become dry.

Hog Wash hand sanitizer rubs in quickly and is infused with DermaVine which is a blend of plant extracts that help your skin repair itself naturally, and helping your skin stay moisturised. There is no dry feeling after you use the Hog Wash hand sanitizer and I love the slight lemon scent it has too.

Onto the Toe Juice. Let's start with the name, I love it and so did Zac. In fact he was so eager to try it out he gave my mother TWO foot massages just so he could use it! Toe Juice is good for those who have dry, itchy, and irritated feet caused by skin problems. My mother works on her feet all day and has sore feet, her heels often crack from dry skin, she has been using the Toe Juice and her feet feel a lot better!

Toe Juice can be used from head to toe and is perfect for a number of skin irritations. Enter below for your chance to win a Toe Juice/Hog Wash combo pack!

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*I received product in exchange for an honest review, all opinions stated above are 100% my own.*


  1. I'm also big on using hand sanitizer, and I agree that your skin does dry out after using it too much. I'm looking for something that won't make that happen, so thank you very much for introducing me to this product :)

  2. I use hand sanitizer several times during the day. I also have a stash for the kiddos in their bookbags.

  3. I don't use hand sanitizer very often... Just if we are out and there is nowhere to wash our hands.

  4. I keep hand sanitizer on my purse and I use it several times each week.
