Friday, 25 January 2013

Effortless Ways to Help Change the World for FREE! Part 3

As the third part of my Change the World for FREE series, I would like to talk about, and introduce you to some sites where you can 'click to donate'.

I was introduced to these sites a year or two ago by my sister and did them every day first thing in the morning. I re-formatted and lost my links and forgot about them. I was really excited when I found them again when researching this series!

  • - You can use this search engine and with each search you help donate to charities. There are also 'goodshop' and 'gooddining'. When you shop online through the site, or go to a restaurant the companies will give a portion of your purchase to charity! They have a huge selection of stores and restaurants! Bookmark it and check it before you buy online!
  • - This site has a list of different sites you can 'click to donate' with. From animals, to kids, to literacy, there are a lot of different organizations. By click some links it even tells how much you helped to give, for example theanimalrescuesite, 'Your click gave the value of 0.6 bowls of food for rescued animals.' theanimalrescuesite is the website I have set as my homepage, and I can click through all the sites along the top and donate to each.
The bar along the top allows you to easily click through each site.

  • - Another site that has a list of different things you can click through and donate. There is even a check mark after you complete each site!
These sites are able to donate to charities through their ad revenue, the more clicks, the more money goes to help those in need! Even clicking through just once a day can help and it takes under a minute to complete each site. Using goodsearch instead of your regular search engine is a simple change too.


  1. I love your changing the world posts... we need more caring people in the world like yourself! :) BTW, love your new header!!

  2. I love these ideas for helping others! Thank you.

  3. Thanks for doing these posts! I love learning about new ways to help out.
